Weekly Quote: Be a Propeller

"In a great argument, our adversary is not a foil, but a propeller.  With twin propellers spinning in divergent directions, our thinking doesn't get stuck on the ground; it takes flight". Adam Grant, Think Again

A sort of flow state comes along when what Adam Grant references in this week’s quote occurs. When I’ve experienced an argument like this, there is a sense of mutual respect, a desire to grow an idea through disagreement, and even excitement as the interested parties discuss concepts and find a path to come closer together on a resolution.

In situations like this, our ideas are collectively improved because of the outcome. Even if the argument doesn’t begin in this spirit, we are empowered to help find its way to something that can take flight.

If you haven’t read Think Again yet, you should. It’s one of my favorite books from 2021, and I’ll be writing more about my takeaways in the coming months.

Remember that it’s never too late to be the propeller.


One Thing


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