It’s Quit Day, Change Your Mindset and Keep Going

From Inc Magazine:

Research conducted by Strava using over 800 million user-logged activities in 2019 predicts the day most people are likely to give up on their New Year's Resolution is January 19. (Strava calls it "Quitter's Day.")

There it is. According to Strava's data, today is the day you will most likely give up on the resolutions you set at the end of last year. But you don't have to be a part of that statistic. Instead, you can honor your intentions of improving or changing in ways that help you by reframing the process and adjusting your mindset.

Try this:

Change from the resolution mindset to a habit-building one. If you're trying to do something this year, take it in small increments, make a plan you can realistically follow, celebrate your wins, and give yourself grace when you miss the workout or don't write in your journal like you wanted. It happens, don't let that be an excuse for giving up on something important.

How are you doing? Let me know, and stick with it.


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