Weekly Quote: The Itch of Happiness

“We live so much of our lives pushed forward by these "if only" thoughts, and yet the itch remains. The pursuit of happiness becomes the source of our unhappiness.“ Dan Harris in 10% Happier

This week’s quote comes from 10% Happier by Dan Harris, a founder, author, podcaster, and former ABC News anchor.

I found this book on Audible several years ago and listened intently to Dan’s journey from his on-air panic attack in 2004 through his journey towards having a better mental balance through work/life balance and meditation.

I know these “if only” thoughts all too well and I’m sure you’ve experienced them too. They usually come by when I’m tired, or maybe at 3 am when I happen to be up with one of my kids. Either way, when they come they hit hard.

Pursuing happiness can find us with blinders on, so eager and focused on that one thing that we miss the forest through the trees. We don’t see other sources of happiness around us, we don’t find the balance that may be right there because we just can’t look around.

It’s good to be motivated, to want to succeed, and find happiness and connection. But, as Dan writes, we have to watch that itch because it can be all-consuming.


Weekly Quote: Courage is Calling by Ryan Holiday


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