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Todd Henry on Walking With the Wise

This week's quote comes from one of the books I start every morning with, the Daily Creative: Find Your Inspiration to Spark Creative Energy and Fight Burnout by Todd Henry.

Todd has written what might be the best and most succinct sentence I've read about the value of mentorship. Spending time with someone who knows more than you, who has more experience than you, and who is just ten percent further ahead in their journey or career can change your life.

In just the same way, being a mentor can be a deeply rewarding experience. You can watch your mentee's eyes light up and feel their energy change as they absorb whatever you're trying to impart.

Everyone has benefited from someone wiser than them. When you're ready, you should add your voice to the world. Someone needs to hear from you.

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quotes, books, readwise Joe Moyer quotes, books, readwise Joe Moyer

Weekly Quote: Reframing Problems with Insights from Todd Henry's The Daily Creative

"When stuck, redefine the problem." Quote from The Daily Creative by Todd Henry

This week’s quote comes from The Daily Creative by Todd Henry. Todd has written five books and founded The Accidental Creative, where he shares insights, workshops, keynotes, and other resources for creative people and teams.

When his clients get stuck, Todd urges them to ask themselves, “what are we really trying to do here?” This simple but easily ignored question offers a chance to reframe the situation, bringing a new perspective and an opportunity to move forward on a project or task. It’s not a panacea, but it can help get the gears moving again.

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