Joe Moyer Joe Moyer

Back to Work

I forgot how important weekends are.

My stay-at-home era has ended. I dove back into the working world in mid-November, and I’m really enjoying it. I’ve got a fantastic management team and am learning as much as I am (hopefully) teaching.

I thought, perhaps foolishly, that I’d have a little time to write and create even a little during the initial few weeks of onboarding, but life had different plans.

Things are settling now. I’m getting used to the rhythm of getting up early to work instead of to write. I’ve sent notes of sincere apology and appreciation to my extended family and friends and checked in to see how they’re doing. And I woke up early this Sunday to make coffee and write.

I have a lot of thoughts and ideas about what it means to work and what it means to stay home with family, the similarities and differences, the ways time and experiences change who we are and how we move through life, and how, if we pay attention to everything, we can learn things that actually change us. I’ll be sharing more here, on the newsletter, and on Threads.

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