Weekly Quote: Brené Brown on Showing up and Being Seen

This week’s quote comes from Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead by Dr. Brené Brown. Brown is a research professor, author, and well known expert on topics including courage, and vulnerability.

Someone in your life wants more of you. They may not be able to tell you with words yet, so pay attention. If your children are young, their hugs and uncontrolled excitement when you walk through the door is the language they speak most clearly. If they’re teenagers, the thumbs up you get in reply to the loving text you sent or the wry smile your silly dad joke gets should tell you what you need to know. A spouse or friend might text during the day to say they’re thinking of you. At work, a colleague or manager may want to hear from more of you during the weekly zoom call and encourage you to share your opinion when the din of louder voices quiets.

It’s on you to show up and let yourself be seen. It’s a very Stoic idea to show up and understand that the rest is out of your control. When you do, you’ll be rewarded with a deeper connection and a better understanding of your importance to those around you. Take the risk; the reward of connection is worthwhile.


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