Weekly Quote: Henry Miller on Finishing What You Start

"Work on one thing at a time until finished" -Henry Miller

Taking the advice to finish one thing at a time from the novelist and literary trailblazer Henry Miller isn’t easy. You are constantly bombarded with notifications and distractions, even when you sleep. So if it feels like your brain craves dopamine, it probably does. The world is complex as people find their way forward despite round after round of layoffs, a challenging economy, rising prices, and international strife. With all that’s happening, it might feel like you don’t stand a chance.

But you do.

It may not be as simple as Miller suggests, and few of us have complete control over our time or the unfettered ability to decide where we focus our attention. But you can probably find thirty minutes or an hour most days, which can be your time to get the important thing done.

Whether you find that hour at home, perhaps before everyone else wakes up, or find a few hours to block schedule your calendar at the office when you can say no to meetings, one thing remains true: It takes planning and energy to stay focused and get something done, but it’s worth it. Doing a little planning and then building the habit of sticking with it can make all the difference in finishing something meaningful.

Take a look at the calendar right now and ask yourself this critical question, where is your time?


From the Newsletter: 3 Tips for Starting Again


Weekly Quote: The Daily Creative on Communicating Expectations