Weekly Quote: James Clear on Systematizing The Goal Process

"Goals are about the results you want to achieve.  Systems are about the processes that lead to those results." Atomic Habits by James Clear

In Atomic Habits, James Clear writes about how our goals are only as successful as our systems.

This idea and the book's premise generally have me thinking more about the journey of accomplishing something important. At its core, a goal is essentially a specific ambition that is easy to express but takes actual effort and planning to complete. Developing a good goal requires consideration of the systems that can be implemented. Otherwise, it may never move beyond an ambitious idea.

In addition to planning systems and building habits to get things done, motivation is a factor. The weekly quote from a few weeks ago was from Get it Done: Surprising Lessons from the Science of Motivation, and it was about creating targets for goals - essentially, systematizing the goal process. This is why the SMART framework is prevalent in many corporate settings. It's a system that works pretty well for building actionable goals in large organizations.

I'm rethinking my process because I'm finding that I need more clarity on some of my goals. What are you doing to develop your systems and achieve your goals?


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Weekly Quote: Adam Grant on Being Actively Open-Minded