Weekly Quote: Steven Pressfield on Boldness

"Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it.  Boldness has genius, magic, and power in it.  Begin it now." - The War on Art by Steven Pressfield

This week's quote comes from The War of Art: Break Through the Blocks and Win Your Inner Creative Battles by Steven Pressfield. If you're trying to accomplish anything, specifically something creative, you should read this book.

The advice to start "whatever you can do, or dream you can" now, is wise. Waiting for the perfect time to start represents your fear, a desire to manage risks and avoid failure. You cannot have any outcome until you begin, whether it is developing your workshop, writing your novel, or building your app. As Pressfield writes, you gain strength through your boldness. There will be failures, and your courage will help you continue through.

Don't wait. Start right now. Show your work, even when it is a little rough, and people will be there for it. They will forgive the inevitable mistakes because what you have to say is valuable, and your voice outweighs some minor imperfections in your video or on your blog. Remember, perfect is the enemy of the good. Get started, and be brave.

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