Weekly Quote: The Daily Creative on Brilliance Hiding in Simplicity

"As you go about your work today, be mindful not to dismiss an idea simply because it feels too obvious at first. It may be obvious to you but not to others." Daily Creative by Todd Henry

This quote from Todd Henry’s Daily Creative: A Practical Guide for Staying Prolific, Brilliant, and Healthy reminds you not to give up on something because you already know it and because, in your mind, it’s the most basic element of something bigger.

You might think, “surely everyone knows this,” as you consider posting something on your blog or sharing an idea on your podcast. Even if your audience is aware of what you want to share, they probably don’t know as much as you do about it, and just as important, they don’t know what you think about it.

Other people are looking for what you know and need you to share. Your voice and perspective matter. They need you to help them grow in just the same way those who shaped you did. Don’t worry that you’re wasting other people’s time. Share what you know, and let them make the choice.


Weekly Quote: Finding Opportunities in Challenges with Dr. Michael Gervais and The First Rule of Mastery


Excellence in the Dish Pit