You Have a Choice

You can wake up early and go to the gym, or you can sleep. You can get to bed on time, or you can watch another episode of that show you're binging on. You can write for an hour before heading to work or scroll on social media.

Sometimes, the right choice is easier to see. Often, it isn't. Sleep is essential, and so is exercise. It's your job to balance what you need with what you want and understand the long game you're playing. You only get one chance at life, at all of this, and it goes faster than you'd think.

You will only sometimes choose wisely. That's okay. It's expected. Life isn't just about the tactics of getting through today; it's about the strategies you build to be true to yourself, your kids, your friends, your partner, and those who depend on you and love you. It's about how you turn your days into weeks and months through your kindness, strength, and integrity.

The choice won't always be easy, but they are uniquely yours. Remember that and treat it like the gift it is.


Weekly Quote: William Zinsser on Simplifying Your Work


Weekly Quote: Ryan Holiday on The Pursuit of Justice