commonplace book, zettelkasten Joe Moyer commonplace book, zettelkasten Joe Moyer

The Two Definitions of Zettelkasten by Chris Aldrich

This deep dive of the history of Zettelkasten and commonplace books by Chris Aldrich is a great read. It is FULL of references and links to explore further, which is something that presses all of my nerd buttons.

I used notecards years ago for projects and book notes before I knew the deep history of the format. I liked the system and am considering implementing it into some of what I’m working on now. I’m pretty much all digital at the moment, and while that’s not likely to change significantly, I think an analog component could be an exciting experiment and perhaps a way to drive some new ways of thinking.

I found Chris’s piece via a link posted by John Johnson on the always great Mac Power Users Forum. Thanks, John!

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