Halloween and Creativity

Today is Halloween. It’s a day when creativity can be seen in many places, but it may not usually be so evident. At work, your colleagues may dress up as their favorite characters. You’ll see kids (and their adults!) dressed up and wandering down the sidewalks in your neighborhood, happily going door to door asking for yummy treats. Houses may be decorated with pumpkins and other spooky elements meant to delight and scare you just a little bit.

Those same colleagues and kids are just as creative every other day of the year. The difference is on Halloween we’ve all decided that it’s okay to show who we are, to share our fun and creative ideas with the world around us.

Whether or not you’re dressing up today or have little kids, adult kids, or no kids at all, whether you’re handing out candy or shutting the light off and going to bed, let’s keep the creativity going. There’s a connection to it, and we do well to celebrate that as much on November 1st as we do on October 31st.

This reflection originally appeared in The Journaling Guide. Delivered every two weeks and packed with real-life stories of history's greatest journalers, reflections from my own experiences studying how journaling helps improve our lives, and actionable insights for you, it's like having a close friend guide you on your journaling practice.

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