the journaling guide, journaling, apps Joe Moyer the journaling guide, journaling, apps Joe Moyer

Day One Improves iOS Navigation — And I Love It

It’s been a busy month at Day One. In addition to launching a Windows version, which I wrote about yesterday, they’ve also been working to improve the iOS and iPad apps.

From the announcement:

“Our latest update for iOS brings a major redesign to Day One’s navigation, making it easier to manage journals and revisit past memories.

With a refreshed layout, this update introduces a more intuitive way to access your journals and key features. Whether you’re organizing entries across multiple journals or revisiting past moments, the new navigation ensures everything is right at your fingertips.”

I found the previous navigational elements clunky, and once Journal from Apple rolled out, features like On This Day needed some love. This redesign has improved all of that, and it looks great.

“As part of this update, we’ve introduced two new tabs—Journals and More—to simplify navigation. The Journals tab keeps all your journals in one place for easy access, while the More tab organizes key features like On This Day, Daily Prompt, and Streaks in one convenient hub.”

The term hub perfectly describes what the More tab feels like. I know that if I want anything other than direct access to one of my journals, it’s over there in a visually appealing and easy-to-navigate space.

They’ve made some small cosmetic improvements to the Journal tab that I really appreciate, like adding a small colored notebook icon next to each of my journals and the ability to reorder how the journals appear in the menu bar. That second feature may have always been available, but with the previous design, I felt no desire to explore the menu. It was mostly functional, but not especially appealing.

I haven’t played with the new iPad version yet, although it also looks promising. I’m heading out this weekend to get a new iPad to replace my now six-year-old iPad Air 3. I’ll share my thoughts on the iPadOS updates soon These navigation and layout changes are a positive step in Day One’s evolution, and I’m glad to see them iterate on the good work they’ve put into their app over the years.

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the journaling guide, journaling Joe Moyer the journaling guide, journaling Joe Moyer

Day One Launches for Windows

Last week, Day One founder Paul Mayne announced that my favorite journaling app is now available on Windows.

Based on the launch video, it looks like a solid and well-designed experience with all of the features you’d expect from the app. They’re giving free access to this version, so it won’t count against any device limits. This is a smart way to get people to try it.

I may download it on my work laptop and kick the tires without logging into my personal account. This is one of those times when having a demo Day One account would be very helpful.

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PKM, the journaling guide, journaling Joe Moyer PKM, the journaling guide, journaling Joe Moyer

PKM Toolkit: End Your Day With This Powerful Personal Review Question

After a lengthy absence from daily personal review, I decided to revisit my four-question Day One review template that I put together a few years ago. In the last few editions of The Journaling Guide, my bi-weekly newsletter, I wrote about how the changes in my life, particularly returning to work, influenced my decision to give it another try. It’s been going well, and I’m pleased to take a few minutes at the end of each day to build this habit.

These are the questions in the prompt:

  • What happened today that went well?

  • What happened today that could have gone better?

  • How did I make a positive impact on those around me?

  • Is there anything unfinished or that needs to be written down for tomorrow?

Of the five questions, the most valuable one for me right now is the last one, where I ask if anything needs to be written down for tomorrow. This simple question unburdens me of something, and there’s always something I didn’t get to or forgot about. It means one less thing swirling in my head and helps me continue to hone my organizational skills.

I’ve written and talked a lot about gratitude journaling, which I have done daily for years. When asked by someone interested in starting their own journaling habit, my go-to advice is to start by writing a sentence or two about something they feel grateful for and repeat it at an interval that works for them. I haven’t dispensed as much advice about the daily review, mostly because I’ve not been a regular practitioner. However, this experience has me again seeing the value of the process, and particularly of including this question in it. It’s an extremely valuable way to move something from a mental burden to a planned task.

If you’re interested in a daily review process, try these questions and commit to a two-week trial. Find yourself a notebook or journal, or start a note or document on your phone or computer. Take five or ten minutes at the end of the day to reflect on how things went.

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podcasts, the journaling guide Joe Moyer podcasts, the journaling guide Joe Moyer

The Day One Podcast Returns

Despite being an active daily user of Day One, I was unaware they had a podcast. It’s been on hiatus since 2021, and that’s likely part of why I hadn’t heard about it.

The show has recently launched a new season with a new episode featuring Paul Mayne, the creator of Day One. It’s worth listening to if you’re curious about some of their choices with the app, the additional resources they’ve gotten since joining Automattic, where AI fits into the roadmap, and other details on what motivates the developers to keep going.

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the journaling guide, newsletter Joe Moyer the journaling guide, newsletter Joe Moyer

Halloween and Creativity

Today is Halloween. It’s a day when creativity can be seen in many places, but it may not usually be so evident. At work, your colleagues may dress up as their favorite characters. You’ll see kids (and their adults!) dressed up and wandering down the sidewalks in your neighborhood, happily going door to door asking for yummy treats. Houses may be decorated with pumpkins and other spooky elements meant to delight and scare you just a little bit.

Those same colleagues and kids are just as creative every other day of the year. The difference is on Halloween we’ve all decided that it’s okay to show who we are, to share our fun and creative ideas with the world around us.

Whether or not you’re dressing up today or have little kids, adult kids, or no kids at all, whether you’re handing out candy or shutting the light off and going to bed, let’s keep the creativity going. There’s a connection to it, and we do well to celebrate that as much on November 1st as we do on October 31st.

This reflection originally appeared in The Journaling Guide. Delivered every two weeks and packed with real-life stories of history's greatest journalers, reflections from my own experiences studying how journaling helps improve our lives, and actionable insights for you, it's like having a close friend guide you on your journaling practice.

Sign up today and I'll send you my valuable quick guide, Seven Thought-Provoking Prompts for Your Journaling Practice, when you confirm your email.

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Basic AF #47: The Journaling Guide with Joe Moyer

I was pleased to return to the Basic AF Show and discuss journaling. This is my second guest spot with my friends Tom and Jeff (the first one here), and once again, they made me feel welcomed and valued. From the episode page:

_ Ever wondered if journaling could make a difference in your life? This week’s guest, Joe Moyer, believes it can. Joe shares his personal journey with journaling and practical advice on how to build a habit—even if you only have five minutes a day. We cover gratitude journaling, the benefits of recording daily thoughts, and how to avoid the “perfect journal” trap. He also provides tips for those who are new to journaling, with simple techniques to get started._

This was a fun conversation, and I hope you’ll listen. I think everyone, particularly young men, needs to hear some of what was said on the show and pay particular attention to the productive struggle, where we talk about being kind to ourselves, working through complicated feelings and emotions, and growing.

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the journaling guide Joe Moyer the journaling guide Joe Moyer

The Ugmonk Pen

I’ve never been a fancy pen guy. I always used a Pilot G2 or a Uni-ball 207 for my writing, but lately, I’ve found them to be a little lacking.

I wanted a pen that felt more significant but had a similar gel ink output, so I began casually looking. When I got an email last month from Jeff Sheldon announcing The Ugmonk Pen, made in collaboration with Leuchtturm1917, it was an easy buy for me.

I also picked up the walnut pen tray, which is a thing of functional beauty and is where my Apple Pencil often lives as well.

The pen and tray combo arrived just in time for some heavy use, not for writing or journaling but for a bunch of lengthy insurance-related documents that, due to poor design, needed to be printed out and handwritten. It took hours to do it all, and it was made more pleasurable and easier with the Ugmonk Pen. I’ve since used it for some print journaling and to-do list building, and it’s really delightful to write with.

I believe that the message matters most, and the tools we use, particularly in journaling, should serve that cause. This pen does that for me, and I’m pleased to have finally spent a little bit more money for something of much greater and lasting quality.

This reflection originally appeared in The Journaling Guide. Delivered every two weeks and packed with real-life stories of history's greatest journalers, reflections from my own experiences studying how journaling helps improve our lives, and actionable insights for you, it's like having a close friend guide you on your journaling practice.

Sign up today and I'll send you my valuable quick guide, Seven Thought-Provoking Prompts for Your Journaling Practice, when you confirm your email.

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Charlie Deets Releases Quick Journal for iOS

Quick Journal for iOS

Charlie Deets, a product designer at The Browser Company, has released Quick Journal.

From Charlie on Threads:

"It is a simple journaling app without any gimmicks, suggestions or distractions.

It is highly customizable and has widgets to help you keep track of your entries.

It also features custom icons from design friends such as @gabrielvaldivia and @cshdllr."

Quick journal is a beautiful, simple text based app with a nice level of customization. I like the option to auto open the composer window, so when you open the app you're immediately ready to journal. There are no suggestions, no photos, no frills. Quick Journal is all about text.

One important note—the entries are saved locally for now. I thought I saw Charlie mention on Threads he was looking at adding cloud storage, but I can't find that comment now. He's had lots of positive feedback!

I’ve been on the TestFlight for a few months and it’s been fun to watch the development evolution. Check out Quick Journal if you’re looking for a simple text based journaling tool for your iPhone, just remember that, at least for now, there’s no backup of your data. I hope Charlie adds that feature soon.

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600 Days of Gratitude Journaling

Yesterday, Day One let me know that I had written my 600th consecutive entry in my daily gratitude journal. I'm proud of this achievement and hope it inspires some of you to start your journaling practice.

Like many apps, Day One likes to celebrate streaks to stay motivated and keep going on a goal. Streaks have a place in helping us build the version of ourselves we most want to be, although I have mixed feelings about them.

I'm sending more thoughts on the pros and cons of streaks to newsletter subscribers next week. You can subscribe below, and I'll send you my quick guide Seven Thought-Provoking Prompts for Your Journaling Practice, when you confirm your email.

If you haven't checked in on the newsletter lately, you’ll note that I’m refocusing it on journaling and working towards sending something to subscribers every two weeks. I'll have more on that soon.

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Introducing the Building in Public Newsletter from 24 Letters: Sign Up to Receive a Journaling Quick Guide Today

Friends, I've been working on my first offering beyond the blog and newsletter, and I've decided to share the details of the building process via a revamp in my newsletter, now known as Building in Public.

I’ll also be giving anyone who subscribes and confirms their email address something that can help you in your journaling practice right now. More on that at the end of this post.

For now. You have questions? I've got answers. Read on.

An open journal with a pencil on it.

What are you Working On?

I'm creating a guide to journaling. Now, I know this isn’t for everyone, but I'm kind of a nerd, and I think I could share some ideas that might prove helpful for you if you're starting or restarting, as the case so often is, your journaling practice.


I strongly feel that everyone could benefit from some sort of journaling practice. Whether you’re doing morning pages or an entry once a year on your birthday or something in between, there's a lot of value in writing things down to help figure it all out. I’ve written about these ideas here on the blog and on Threads, too.

I've been journaling for years, and it's helped me build confidence, feel more gratitude, and experience less anxiety. Journaling has helped me make difficult decisions and get through some tough times. A lot of people need help with that stuff, maybe even you, and journaling can be a part of that solution.

Okay, so what's the newsletter about?

I'm going to share my insights into the process of building this course and also offer updates and previews to subscribers. I'll email you roughly once a week and sometimes less frequently. We all get too much email, and I've had to talk myself into believing it's okay to offer this to people because going on this journey with me will provide some value to you.

What is the ultimate goal here?

In addition to building tools to help you in your journaling practice, I'm interested in developing something akin to a community of people interested in journaling, personal development, and the creative process. This isn't a thinly veiled sales funnel. I'm going to send you emails with fundamental ideas and authentic experiences.

Finally, as a thank you, I'll send you my quick guide Seven Thought-Provoking Prompts for Your Journaling Practice when you confirm your email.

I’ll be sending the first email out later this week. I hope you’ll join me.

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journaling , the journaling guide Joe Moyer journaling , the journaling guide Joe Moyer

Day One Introduces Shared Journals

From the Day One Blog:

“Today we’re excited to introduce Shared Journals in Day One, a new way for you to safely share life’s moments with friends and family, while upholding the privacy and security you trust.”

As a long-time user, I’m excited that Day One has added this to their app, thus continuing to set themselves apart in the digital journaling space. One of the best aspects of this service is while the creator of the shared journal needs a premium membership, anyone with a free membership can join.

Shared Journals are end-to-end encrypted, and adding or removing members is easy. Members can also comment on posts, which mimics what can be the best (and absolute worst) part of social media.

I'm going to try setting up a shared journal with my wife where we can document memorable moments with each other and our family that we want to share. This may be the opportunity I've been waiting for to get her interested in exploring a regular journaling habit, too.

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Apple Launches Journal for iPhone

With the release of iOS 17.2 earlier this week, Apple launched Journal. I spent some time with the new app last night, and my initial thoughts are positive. I will share more after I’ve had a chance to kick the tires.

Today, Day One, my journaling tool of choice, announced support for Journaling Suggestions. This is a keystone feature for Apple’s Journal, so it makes sense that Day One would add it as well.

Today we’re excited to announce a new way to deepen your journaling practice: Journaling Suggestions. Journaling Suggestions in Day One provide personalized journaling recommendations inspired by your photos, locations, activities, and more, bringing a whole new level of introspection and discovery to your daily reflections.

Everything I’ve read from the folks at Day One about Apple’s entry into this space has been totally classy. Last summer, I shared Day One’s founder Paul Mayne’s thoughts on Journal when it was announced.

Rather than seeing this as competition, we embrace Apple’s entry into digital journaling as a testament to its growing importance. This evolution is not just beneficial for Day One but also for our valued users.

I believe that journaling can improve people’s lives, and having an app included on a phone that’s in about a billion and a half pockets worldwide means more people will start a practice. That’s a really good thing.

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Analog vs. Digital: Results From My Journaling Format Poll

I recently conducted a poll on Threads and asked folks about their preferred journaling format. I offered three options: print, digital, and hybrid.

Poll Results: Digital at 32%, Paper at 47%, Hybrid at 21%

Print was the winner with 47%. Unsurprisingly, given the results, the comments largely favored pen and paper. One user shared that writing by hand helped them remember what they had written, and another said it was about the art and connection with the tangible nature of paper.

Another respondent shared the challenges she faces when attempting to write in a new journal and said she preferred the ease of editing digital journals for that reason.

I wrote a post entitled Your Story Matters: Overcoming the Perfect Journal Fallacy for those facing a similar struggle around getting started in a paper journal. It's a common challenge, and given how popular analog journaling is, I wanted to share something encouraging.

For my journaling practice, I fall into both groups. I use Day One for most of my regular journaling practice. I use a Subtle Notebook, and a Field Notes Memo Book for my analog needs.

Whatever tool you're using, remember this: the most important aspect of journaling is doing it in whatever format most likely to help you succeed.

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The 2023 Gift Guide

I enjoy a well-thought-out gift guide. I'm not talking about the kind that only lists costly items that no one wants. I enjoy the ones from the authors, podcasters, and creators I choose to follow and support. I trust and appreciate their perspective, opinions, and taste. Not only do I find them helpful in discovering things I may be interested in, but I also find them helpful for ideas when family asks, "What would you like for the holidays?"

It's in that spirit that I've created this guide. I'm sharing a few gift ideas for those creative, bookish tech lovers in your life who may be hard to shop for. What's that you say? You’re a creative, bookish tech lover? If you’d like, you can pull some ideas from this list and send them to your relatives and friends looking for tips.

Alright, let’s jump in.


The Daily Stoic: 366 Meditations on Wisdom, Perseverance, and the Art of Living by Ryan Holiday and Stephen Hanselman

This book feels timeless. It features a daily quote from one of the ancient Stoic philosophers and an insight from Ryan Holiday with a modern reflection that compliments the selection.

I try to start my day with a passage from this book and am never disappointed when I do.

The Extended Mind: The Power of Thinking Outside the Brain by Annie Murphy Paul

Annie Murphy Paul has taken the idea that our brains are all-knowing and infallible and turned it on its head, arguing instead that we need to extend our thinking.

Paul uses the metaphor of the Magpie and suggests that we are at our best when we figure things out not just with our brain but also by connecting our surroundings, relationships, and physical being with the process.

I found actionable insights in this book and recommend it to anyone who wants to learn more about how our surroundings impact our thinking.

Perennial Seller: The Art of Making and Marketing Work That Last by Ryan Holiday

The second book from Ryan Holiday on this list. Perennial Seller is for anyone trying to create enduring work and wants to learn from someone who's not only had his own success as an author but also helped others find their success through Brass Check, his advisory firm.

The War of Art by Steven Pressfield

Steven Pressfield famously wrote for 27 years before he got his first novel, The Legend of Bagger Vance, published. He wrote The War of Art to help the rest of us learn from his mistakes.

This book has undoubtedly launched many people on their journey of doing something difficult and essential by helping them learn what the Resistance is and how to overcome it.

The Practicing Stoic: A Philosophical User's Manual by Ward Farnsworth

Starting with first principles, Ward Farnsworth extends Stoicism to other philosophers and thinkers throughout history, beyond Zeno of Citium and the Greeks and Romans. There's also an element of practicality to the writing that is helpful to better understand how applicable Stoicism can be in everyday life.

On Writing Well: The Classic Guide to Writing Nonfiction by William Zinsser (SP)

Another profoundly influential book for many writers, On Writing Well, was born from a course William Zinsser taught at Yale. Initially published in 1976, this book remains valuable and current for anyone who wants to become a better writer.

The Storyteller: Tales of Life and Music by Dave Grohl (Audio Recommendation)

Dave Grohl is a man of integrity, who's not afraid to find the humor in many situations, who deeply loves his children, and who has endured the public loss of some very dear friends. He's also had an incredible career in the music industry that's spanned decades with bands like Scream, Nirvana and The Foo Fighters.

I rarely recommend the audio specifically, but this is one where hearing Grohl tell of the touchstone moments in his life makes The Storyteller an even better book.

Audible Gift Subscription

I received an Audible gift subscription last year and didn't realize then how much I'd enjoy it. I like listening to audiobooks while I’m at the gym or doing yard work and this feeds that need. If you have someone who wants to read more but doesn’t have the time or the focus to pick up a physical book, this is a great gift option.


AirPods Pro

I've used the regular AirPods for years and felt no solid inclination to upgrade to the Pro. I was gifted the AirPods Pro earlier this year, and there really is a difference. Sometimes, when I'm watching something on my iPad, I can't tell if the sound is coming from the AirPods because it feels like it's coming from the screen. The noise cancellation and conversational awareness are such a helpful combination. There's magic in the tech, and the audio quality is much better than the regular AirPods.

Joby GorillaPod

I use this more often than I thought. Whether it's for doing video calls with an iPhone via Continuity Camera or taking photos, it's compact, easy to travel with, and helpful.

Glif from Studio Neat

I use the Glif from Studio Neat as the mount with my portable tripod. It compact, sturdy, and works really well with my tripod.

I'm writing more about journaling on this site and at Threads. I have this crazy believe that everyone's life can be improved by beginning a journaling practice, and this is one of the notebooks I recommend to someone who's getting started and wants something with a bit of style. It's still simple and not terribly expensive, but also elegant. Moleskine notebooks are widely available, which is helpful too.

Field Notes Memo Books

I’ve been using the National Parks series recently, carrying it with me to take notes and supplement my task management system. It’s the perfect size for my pocket, and the artwork on all of the series they’ve created are beautiful and evocative.

The Subtle Notebook

This is my current favorite analog notebook from Cortex Brand. I appreciate the color, the quality of the paper, and the dot grid because it gives me the freedom to do whatever I want without feeling constrained by lines and yet also gives me some waypoints so I stay on the rails.

Thanks for reading. I hope this guide is helpful when shopping for your friends and family or when a family member asks for something you might like. Happy holidays!

Note: Some of these items include an affiliate link, meaning your purchase may help support this site. I've only included things in this list I actually use, like, and recommend. There are no big screen 4K TVs or air fryers here (although my wife and I are tempted by both!).

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Your Story Matters: Overcoming the Perfect Journal Fallacy

Let me set the scene.

You’re at your favorite bookshop. You’ve had your coffee, done some people-watching, and have picked up a few books that will be coming home with you, and as you walk toward the counter to pay for your haul, you see a shelf with journals on it.

An open journal with a blank page

You are transfixed. The journals are beautiful and rife with endless creative possibilities. In a flash, you envision yourself writing your deepest thoughts, sketching ideas for that next big project, planning your novel, your adventures to Europe, writing your most important lists, and recording your secrets in this new place.

You carefully select the journal that most appeals to you, perhaps based on color or size. Happily, you pay for it and head home to use it to unleash your creativity.

You come home, set the journal on your desk, and move on with your afternoon.

The next day, you glance at the journal. You think of something you’d like to write in it but feel noncommital. It’s so beautiful and clean, I’m not sure this thought is worth it. You walk away.

A day later, you’ve finished work early and are tidying up your desk. There’s that journal again. You sit down, open it up, and reach for a pen. You think, Oh, I’m not sure this is the right pen for this journal. Is it fancy enough? You put the journal down and go to grab dinner.

Weeks pass, and the journal is now under a pile of work papers or perhaps has taken a spot on your bookshelf. It may even sit next to another forgotten and unused journal you received as a gift during last year’s holiday!

If this has happened to you, don’t worry; you aren’t alone.

Most everyone with a journaling practice has experienced something similar. It’s what I call the perfect journal fallacy, where we convince ourselves that using the journal for its very purpose, recording our ideas and thoughts, is somehow a bad thing to do.

So, how do you overcome this?

Open the journal and write something.


Even just a sentence or two is a good start.

Don’t worry about the pen you use, the time of day, the music, or the mood. While all of those aspects can be a part of an established journaling practice, the most essential role of someone who journals is to write down what’s on their mind.

If you’re still struggling with getting started, remember this: Someone created that journal for you, and you can use it however you wish. Your thoughts and ideas are worthy of being recorded within its pages, as are your most mundane notes, todos, and doodles.

The journal on the bookshelf collecting dust is yours; you can do what you want with it. Use it as the tool it’s intended to be, and allow it to help you unlock the benefits of writing down your thoughts. Your story matters. Start writing it down today.

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Weekly Quote: Seneca on Reviewing the Day

"I will keep constant watch over myself and, most usefully, will put each day up for review." Seneca

I've been banging the drum especially loud about journaling lately, and this week's quote from Seneca is another reason why. Journaling is a tool that can help you authentically review your life.

The idea of the daily review and its value has mostly stayed the same since Seneca walked the streets of Rome a few thousand years ago. Sure, your journal entry might seem different initially, but the concerns that occupy your mind are similar to what an ancient person worried about so long ago.

Journaling works best when you commit to honesty and are most willing to keep a "constant watch" over yourself. That may be made easier when there is no intention to share what you write with anyone. You do so much for the benefit of others. Journal for yourself.

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Four Steps To Quickly Start Your Journaling Practice Today

When it comes to journaling, everyone has different needs and abilities. In that spirit, I've created this simple guide to get you started.

My north star for making this guide is the first principle of journaling, starting now. Here are the four steps to start your journaling practice right now:

  1. Find something you can write ON and something you can write WITH. 

  2. Find FIVE quiet minutes during your day.

  3. Write ONE thought down. 

  4. REPEAT this process daily, weekly, or whenever you want.

This guide is simple, and that's intentional. I wanted there to be the least amount of friction as you get started. There's no ask for you to buy a particular notebook or journal, nor does it suggest a specific time of day or even frequency with which you write. 

These are all fun parts of building your habit, but if you get held up with a decision, particularly before you even start, you may perseverate instead of writing down what's in your head. That's the opposite of why you're beginning to journal.

Start simply. You can dial in things like format and frequency later and enjoy it more because you'll be making those decisions through the lens of an active journaler, not someone planning to start once all of the pieces are just right.

Waiting for just right often means you'll never start. Begin journaling today with this simple guide and what you have in front of you. Build the habit, and then find your tools.

You can read more from me on journaling here and on Threads, where I write several short pieces each week designed to help you build the journaling practice you most desire.

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The First Principle of Starting a Journaling Practice

Here it is, the first principle of journaling. You ready?

Start today.

The medium doesn’t matter. Use whatever format you are most comfortable with. If it’s the Notes app on your iPhone, use it. If you want to use something like Day One, go for it. Check that drawer in the kitchen overflowing with random stuff. There’s probably a notebook or some scrap paper in there. Don’t feel like writing or typing? That’s okay because you can dictate your thoughts or record your voice as a memo.

The most important part of writing in a journal is getting started. Write as often as you’d like. If you don’t journal for weeks and decide it’s time for another entry, that’s okay. Set no expectations. Just start.

Like many things, the other pieces come together with time and experience. You can experiment with analog or digital and decide which you like better. You’ll figure out how often you want to write and decide what time of day works best for your rhythm.

Journaling needn’t be precious. It’s an act of reflection and a way to better understand who you were, who you are, and who you want to become. It’s a part of your journey, and you can do it. Just start now.

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The Journaling Guide on Threads

I’ve been on Threads since it launched. My focus has been on sharing prompts, tools, and tips to help people with something I’m really passionate about, starting and growing a journaling practice. I know some of you like to journal. If that’s you, please give me a follow and say hi!

Don’t worry, I’m not abandoning this site to spend all of my time on social. Threads is (thus far) a positive community that I enjoy. It’s also a place where I can workshop new ideas and connect with readers of this site and other creators.

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