Weekly Quote: Suffering our Imagination

We suffer more in imagination than in reality. Quote by Seneca

This quote connects nicely with last week’s entry about focusing on what we can control. Our ability to tell ourselves stories about the future is powerful, and we usually use it to our detriment even though the worst-case scenarios rarely come to pass.

A context shift can help us deal with these runaway thoughts, especially the big, persistent narratives that just won’t go away. I find reading a book or listening to some new music helpful because it provides some distraction in a low-stakes way and gives my brain time to reflect and engage with the subject in a new way. Doing something a little different can help bring a fresh perspective to the situation, making all the difference and helping to reset things for the better.

How do you handle this? Let me know.


Weekly Quote: Learn from Being Wrong


Weekly Quote: Focus on What You Can Control