The Wisdom Project from Merlin Mann

Merlin Mann is a funny and thoughtful guy. He’s started 43 Folders nearly twenty years ago, created that whole Inbox Zero thing, and these days spends a lot of his time writing and hosting podcasts.

He’s also created The Wisdom Project, filled with things Merlin has learned throughout his life. Some of it is poignant, some is funny, most is useful, and the parts that aren’t useful, as Merlin writes, aren’t for you.

Take a look. You can also hear him discuss The Wisdom Project in more detail on the latest episode of the Mac Power Users podcast. Here’s a favorite from the list that I try to embody whenever I’m out in the world:

Treat every person you encounter as though they are having a way worse day than you.

Related: ask yourself how you might become the least annoying stranger that a given person met today. If you became the subject of a private anecdote, how great would you feel about hearing it?

-Merlin Mann

I have an informal rule that whenever anyone has grabbed my attention, either through storytelling, humor, or otherwise, shares something, often in list format, I check it out. Give this rule a try. you'll rarely be disappointed.


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