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Weekly Quote: James Clear on The Courage to Look Foolish

"The list of mistakes you can never recover from is very short." -Quote by James Clear

This week’s quote comes from James Clear and the May 27th, 2021, issue of his 3-2-1 Newsletter.

The quote continues:

“It’s not the failed outcome that paralyzes us. It’s the possibility of looking stupid, feeling humiliated, or dealing with embarrassment that prevents us from getting started at all.

The first step to being courageous is being willing to look foolish.”

As I grow older, I get more comfortable with looking foolish. It’s something we should all endeavor to be better at. The potential reward from having a bias towards action is worth any temporary embarrassment.

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quotes, james clear, readwise, books Joe Moyer quotes, james clear, readwise, books Joe Moyer

Weekly Quote: James Clear on Being Proud

"Are you proud of what you are choosing to do?" - James Clear

This week’s quote comes from a thought James Clear shared on his Instagram. James is the author of Atomic Habits (3) and the 3-2-1 weekly newsletter.

This quote created some deeper thinking about pride and how it fits into daily life, particularly in the professional realm. I’m traveling this weekend for a wedding, and look forward to sharing more in a future entry when I have some time to develop the idea further.

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quotes, readwise, james clear Joe Moyer quotes, readwise, james clear Joe Moyer

Weekly Quote: James Clear on Being Proud of Yourself

"Are you proud of what you are choosing to do?" James Clear

This week’s quote comes from James Clear on Instagram, asking a Monday morning question.

I like this question because it goes explicitly beyond the idea of being happy or well paid or on the receiving end of professional or personal accolades. Instead, it’s about how you feel internally, regardless of external feedback.

This type of personal reflection might be challenging with all the responsibilities and distractions in your life. Do it anyway. Finding time and space for yourself is a worthwhile investment.

Want to give it a try? Do the following: Block out an hour on the calendar. Find a quiet place. Grab a pen and notebook, write this or a similar question on a blank page, and sit there. You may be surprised by what you end up with.

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