quotes, leadership, readwise, books Joe Moyer quotes, leadership, readwise, books Joe Moyer

Weekly Quote: Harry Truman on Reading to Lead

"Not all readers are leaders, but all leaders are readers."  Harry S. Truman, 33rd President of the United States

This week's quote comes from Harry Truman, the 33rd President of The United States. In A 1962 letter to Dean Acheson, his Secretary of State from 1945 to 1947, Truman references how essential his reading as a young man was for his time as President, referring to it as his "terrible trial."

Good leaders aren't just readers. They like to write things down as well. Marcus Aurelius wrote Meditations as a journal, likely with no intention of anyone reading it. Winston Churchill wrote and published multiple volumes about his early life and World War II. Their motivations may have differed, but society benefits from their accounting for the historical record.

Biographies are perennial bestsellers because you can gain much insight into the subject's thoughts and ideas and learn lessons from choices and mistakes. You can read widely and deeply into the history of the world and come away with a more profound sense of curiosity and wonder while also learning something new.

You are likely a leader in some aspect of your life. So go and read with intention, even if it is just a few pages before going to bed or during your lunch break. Do it daily, and you will educate yourself, satisfy your curiosity, and build ideas that can inform the future.

If you are interested in reading more about Truman, I recommend The Accidental President: Harry S. Truman and the Four Months That Changed the World by A. J. Baime. So much of our world changed in just the short period this book covers, and it’s an eye-opening read.

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ryan holiday, quotes, readwise, stoicism, books Joe Moyer ryan holiday, quotes, readwise, stoicism, books Joe Moyer

Weekly Quote: Ryan Holiday on the Anger Trap

Anger is not impressive or tough - it's a mistake. It's weakness.  Depending on what you're doing, it might even be a trap that someone laid for you.  -The Daily Stoic, Ryan Holiday and Stephen Hanselman

This week’s quote comes from a favorite book I regularly read: The Daily Stoic by Ryan Holiday and Stephen Hanselman.

Anger usually results in pain, frustration, and a loss of clarity and connection. It is an emotion that is the worst kind of fuel. We all deserve better, as do our co-workers, team members, families, and friends.

Have you noticed that the people around you who are always angry want you to join them? It’s usually true. Angry people find other like-minded people. They want to be miserable together and are always recruiting. Don’t get drawn in. Remember, your anger is their fuel.

The first principle in Stoicism, as this quote from Ward Farnsworth discusses, is that you don’t react to events but instead react to your judgments about them. So choose to respond without anger. Don’t fuel the rage, and don’t fall into their trap.

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Weekly Quote: Steven Pressfield on Starting your Symphony

"Procrastination is the most common manifestation of Resistance because it's the easiest to rationalize." - Steven Pressfield, The War on Art

This week’s quote is from Steven Pressfield’s book The War of Art: Break Through the Blocks and Win Your Inner Creative Battles, which I’ve written about before.

I've found that procrastination is sneaky because it sometimes disguises itself as planning or ideation, two essential aspects of the creative process. It's generally easier to think about something than actually do it, and taking the time to think about something offers more time for the resistance to get stronger. So, the longer I wait, the less likely I am to succeed..

This site began publication in January 2022, although I started planning it in October. We had a newborn, and there were plenty of legitimate considerations to consider before embarking on a new project requiring time and attention. Still, I know that some of that time was the resistance manifested as procrastination and fear. I had many internal arguments about why I couldn't get this site off the ground, and the voice of resistance was cunning and powerful. Yet, despite not knowing precisely what 24 Letters would become, I knew it needed to be created, so I launched. I can thank my family and friends who cheered me on, creators who inspired me, and books like Courage is Calling, The War of Art, and Soundtracks for helping me get here.

Pressfield talks about how the resistance gets even more potent when something is important and meaningful. I didn't realize it then, but creating this site has been vital to my happiness and growth over the last eight months. It has allowed me to connect with new people, learn new skills, grow new ideas, and think in new ways. This has been transformational, so the resistance was exceptionally loud!

I recommend following @steven_pressfield on Instagram. He's creating videos about overcoming resistance and getting stuff done. I like his style and his writing. Check out some of his historical fiction, too. It's really well done.

How do you overcome resistance and get projects shipped and that symphony written? Let me know.

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Weekly Quote: Ward Farnsworth on the First Principle of Practical Stoicism

The first principle of practical Stoicism is this: we don't react to events; we react to our judgments about them, and the judgments are up to us." The Practicing Stoic by Ward Farnsworth

This week’s quote comes from The Practicing Stoic: A Philosophical Users Manual by Ward Farnsworth. I heard the author on a recent episode of The Daily Stoic podcast, and based on that conversation this book was an immediate purchase for me.

The judgments are up to us. This is a profound reminder. It’s easy to forget that while we have very little control over what happens in our lives, we have an enormous ability to control how we react to our interpretation of what has happened. In conversations with friends and colleagues, I’ve struggled to explain my understanding of this part clearly. Ward has done it better and more succinctly than I could.

I am enjoying the style of this book a lot. The various chapters include relevant quotes from the original Stoics and other, more modern philosophers. Perhaps unsurprisingly, using quotes and extrapolating on them really works for me. Who knew!

If you pick this book up, send me a note and tell me what you think.

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Weekly Quote: Annie Murphy Paul on Naming the Feeling

"Research shows that the simple act of giving a name to what we're feeling has a profound effect on the nervous system, immediately dialing down the body's stress response."  The Extended Mind by Annie Murphy Paul

This week, we have another quote from one of my favorite books The Extended Mind by Annie Murphy Paul.

What's wrong?

This is a question we've all heard and said countless times. Think of how often this query has been directed at you, and think about your answer. How often were you actually able to articulate what was going on? Did you respond with nothing, I'm fine, or another dismissive throw-away line? Did you make a joke, or perhaps just started listing a bunch of semi-random annoyances that came to mind? I would be surprised if one or more of these responses didn't sound familiar to you from a recent conversation.

We need a better question, something more focused on a person's present feeling. As this week's quote states, scientific research has found that naming a feeling reduces the body's stress response, helping us broaden our ability to cope with either the situation or the emotion causing the stress. So saying what are you feeling right now or how are you feeling seems a more direct approach to giving a person the space to begin figuring it out. It also signals that you are listening, and that's helpful too.

Asking about a person's feelings at work feels a little fraught. But, having done it many times with team members or colleagues who were struggling, sometimes at a crisis level, I've seen it help. I appreciate being on the receiving end of this conversation, and I believe others usually feel similarly. It doesn't always work. When it doesn’t, I remind myself that most things don't work all the time and I take a moment of reflection to examine if I could have done something differently.

Frequently, we are more comfortable with this approach around our kids or family members. Parents know that naming the feeling is the foundation of helping children learn how to develop their emotional intelligence. So it's less of asking about what's wrong and more a complex and open-ended question about thoughts and feelings that sparks a dialog.

I know that what's wrong is a ubiquitous phrase in our culture that isn't going away anytime soon. I'm trying to ask a better question, and I encourage you to do this too. Try it. Start with someone you trust. It isn't always easy to dig in, yet it can be a rewarding experience to help someone resolve a stressful situation. Are you ready to listen?

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Weekly Quote: James Clear on Systematizing The Goal Process

"Goals are about the results you want to achieve.  Systems are about the processes that lead to those results." Atomic Habits by James Clear

In Atomic Habits, James Clear writes about how our goals are only as successful as our systems.

This idea and the book's premise generally have me thinking more about the journey of accomplishing something important. At its core, a goal is essentially a specific ambition that is easy to express but takes actual effort and planning to complete. Developing a good goal requires consideration of the systems that can be implemented. Otherwise, it may never move beyond an ambitious idea.

In addition to planning systems and building habits to get things done, motivation is a factor. The weekly quote from a few weeks ago was from Get it Done: Surprising Lessons from the Science of Motivation, and it was about creating targets for goals - essentially, systematizing the goal process. This is why the SMART framework is prevalent in many corporate settings. It's a system that works pretty well for building actionable goals in large organizations.

I'm rethinking my process because I'm finding that I need more clarity on some of my goals. What are you doing to develop your systems and achieve your goals?

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books, finding focus, focus Joe Moyer books, finding focus, focus Joe Moyer

Finding Focus: Keeping on Task with Reading Mode

While I still enjoy printed books occasionally, my reading preferences have shifted to the Kindle app on my iPad. Customizing my Reading Focus Mode has improved this preference, and here’s how I set it up to make it work for me.

Contextual Triggers

My Reading Focus is triggered contextually, turning on automatically whenever I open the Kindle app. My Home Screen on both my iPad and iPhone shows only Widgets from Kindle, Readwise, and The New York Times.

Reading Focus Mode on the iPad

Integration with Sleep​

I wrote about how I handle Sleep on my iPhone here. When my iPad enters Sleep Mode, the Home Screen also switches automatically to the one mentioned above. I find that this helps me stay on track at night. If I want to watch Netflix or YouTube, I can find it. It just takes extra effort, so I’m more likely to do some reading which feels better to wind down and sleep.

Reading More by Seeing Less

I try to read every day. I may not read more than a few pages on hectic days, but it still fills my cup and desire to learn something. Plus, it’s an incremental way to finish a book even when I don’t have much time.

With Reading Focus turned on, I am less likely to wander into the myriad distractions that may tempt me. I can still do anything on my device; it just requires overcoming the friction of opening the search dialog, typing in whatever I’m looking for, and then pressing on the result.

More Focus & Automation

I’m working on my writing and production focus modes right now, and I am very interested in how contextual triggers, Automation, and Shortcuts can help fine-tune my workflows. How do you use these tools to help you get work done? I’m curious and interested in learning, so please let me know.

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readwise, quotes, stoicism, books, ryan holiday Joe Moyer readwise, quotes, stoicism, books, ryan holiday Joe Moyer

Weekly Quote: Courage is Calling by Ryan Holiday

"What we fear, we do not know."  Courage is Calling by Ryan Holiday

This week’s quote comes from Ryan Holiday’s latest book, Courage is Calling: Fortune Favors the Brave. Ryan is one of my favorite authors. His books and emails are always on my reading and re-reading list, and I frequently recommend The Daily Stoic to friends who want an introduction to Stoic philosophy. It’s where I started.

In Courage is Calling, Ryan writes about many aspects of courage, including difference between being scared and feeling fear. It’s one of the ideas from this book that I’ve really been chewing on. He quotes William Faulkner, who wrote a similar sentiment about walking in the woods, “Be scared. You can’t help that. But don’t be afraid.”

Before reading this book, I hadn’t deeply considered the difference between fear and being scared. Fear is more conceptual, and being scared is an emotional response the body experiences. It’s helpful to have such a distinction clearly laid out by a thinker that I respect, to understand that it’s okay to be scared, and then it’s essential to act anyway, not let fear paralyze you and prevent you from achieving what needs to be done.

I’m doing my best to remember this quote when I am heading into the unknown and begin to feel dread. I’ll allow myself to be scared, but I will fight the fear.

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Weekly Quote: The Itch of Happiness

“We live so much of our lives pushed forward by these "if only" thoughts, and yet the itch remains. The pursuit of happiness becomes the source of our unhappiness.“ Dan Harris in 10% Happier

This week’s quote comes from 10% Happier by Dan Harris, a founder, author, podcaster, and former ABC News anchor.

I found this book on Audible several years ago and listened intently to Dan’s journey from his on-air panic attack in 2004 through his journey towards having a better mental balance through work/life balance and meditation.

I know these “if only” thoughts all too well and I’m sure you’ve experienced them too. They usually come by when I’m tired, or maybe at 3 am when I happen to be up with one of my kids. Either way, when they come they hit hard.

Pursuing happiness can find us with blinders on, so eager and focused on that one thing that we miss the forest through the trees. We don’t see other sources of happiness around us, we don’t find the balance that may be right there because we just can’t look around.

It’s good to be motivated, to want to succeed, and find happiness and connection. But, as Dan writes, we have to watch that itch because it can be all-consuming.

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Weekly Quote: Jan-Benedict Steenkamp On Humility

"The best definition of humility, in my view, is: not thinking less of yourself, but thinking of yourself less." Time to Lead, by Jan-Benedict Steenkamp

This week’s quote comes from the book Time To Lead by Jan-Benedict Steenkamp.

My workflow for quote posts is to pull what I’m going to write about at the beginning of the week, so I can spend some time reflecting on it. Humility is a complicated concept, one that has been around for millennia and has been the focus of some of history’s most respected philosophers and thinkers. So I was struggling a bit to wrap my brain around it.

Then, I had a breakthrough.

I spent yesterday afternoon at the playground with my wife and two children, enjoying the sunshine and breeze as Spring finally arrives in New England. As we returned home to prepare for dinner and the nightly routine, I thought about this quote and realized that I wasn’t thinking about myself at all at the playground. I wasn’t thinking about the projects I’m working on or the tasks I need to get done around the house. I had entirely focused my mind on my family’s happiness. I was present.

Humility starts here for me, with my family, and not just thinking about what they need but what I can offer them. Who I can be for them. How I can be a better father and husband, and how it all comes together to help me be a better person.

I’ve tried to express humility in my leadership style by doing my best to understand what the teams I work with need from me, by being forgiving when people make mistakes and supportive when times are tough.

I know I still have a lot to learn in all realms of my life around humility. As I said, it’s complicated. To take a deeper look at what it means to me, I’ve created a Day One entry on the subject and look forward to further reflection. I think I’ll be writing on this topic again in the future.

What does humility mean to you?

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Chain Bookstores Aren’t Dead Yet (Thank you, TikTok)

I came across this article about the bookstore revival on Bloomberg CityLab by Alexandra Lange. It offers some history of the big-box booksellers, and dives into how Barnes & Noble is staging a comeback thanks mainly to nostalgia (check out the photos!) and by acting as the backdrop for the BookTok boom that has racked up over 40 billion views on TikTok. Gen Z is apparently finding its way to the mall.

There’s also talk of the concept of these stores becoming the third place. From the article:

It’s not until you add the coffee shop to the chain bookstore, circa 1990, that it becomes the best illustration of sociologist Ray Oldenburg’s concept of the “third place.” The chain stores were pick-up joints without the alcohol, teen hangouts without the style pressures of the mall, opportunities to explore identity both socially and via reading material out from under the thumb of parents and teachers. As with the malls and shopping centers that often support a bookstore, these private enterprises offered accommodation to a broad range of people, in terms of class, race and age.

Thanks to the efforts of Starbucks once and again CEO Howard Schultz, this is a concept associated with that coffee chain at least before the pandemic.

I grew up without a Starbucks nearby, but we did have a large Barnes and Noble that opened when I was in my early teens. I spent many hours exploring books and magazines about technology, business, cooking, science fiction, and fantasy. I also developed my taste for coffee at the cafe. Yes, they did serve Starbucks, but as part of a licensed program, so sadly, they weren’t nearly as good at misspelling our name in wild ways.

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